Can You Workout After Massage

Can You Workout After Massage – Is It Okay?

Can you workout after massage?” One of my clients’ most common questions is, While massage can provide relief, as a personal trainer I understand the importance of continuously challenging your body through exercise.

In this post, I aim to break down the science behind how massage impacts your body and whether or not it’s safe and effective to hit the gym after your session. I’ll look at why massage may temporarily reduce your workout intensity and explore tips for optimal recovery so you can maximize both the massage therapy and your physical activity. 

By understanding how your body responds to massage, you can make the most of each treatment and continue progressing in your fitness goals.

Can You Workout After Massage – A Guide

The short answer is it depends. While there’s no clear-cut rule about exercising after a massage, the general consensus among experts is that you should avoid any intense or strenuous activity immediately following your session. 

This is because massage can significantly impact your body’s systems, including your nervous system and muscles.

During a massage, the therapist uses various techniques to manipulate the muscles and tissues in your body. This can range from applying pressure to certain areas, stretching out tight or tense muscles, and even using percussion techniques to stimulate blood flow. 

As a result, your body may experience increased relaxation, improved circulation, and reduced muscle tension.

Consider The Type Of Massage You Received

The type of massage you receive can also play a role in determining whether or not it’s safe to workout afterward. For example, a gentle Swedish massage may not have as significant of an impact on your body as a deep tissue or sports massage.

 If you’re planning on working out after your session, make sure to communicate this with your massage therapist beforehand so they can adjust.

Types Of Massage That May Be Safe To Workout After:

  • Swedish massage
  • Relaxation massage
  • Aromatherapy massage

Types Of Massage That May Require More Recovery Time:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Sports massage
  • Trigger point therapy

How Long Should You Wait To Workout After A Massage?

The general recommendation is to wait at least 24 hours before engaging in intense physical activity after a massage. This allows your body time to process and fully recover from the effects of the massage. 

Remember, if you’re wondering “can I workout after getting blood drawn” it’s crucial to listen to your body. Feeling sore or tired? Take more time off before hitting the gym. Pushing too hard post-blood draw can lead to injury and slow down your progress.

Side Effects Of Massages

While massage is generally considered safe and beneficial, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects. These can vary depending on the type of massage and your individual body’s response but may include:

  • Soreness or tenderness in the muscles that were worked on
  • Headaches or dizziness due to changes in blood flow and pressure
  • Nausea 
  • Fatigue

If you experience any of these side effects, listening to your body and taking appropriate measures is essential. This may include resting, hydrating, and gently stretching the affected areas.

Exercise You Should Avoid After Massage

Ultimately, listening to your body is the key to determining whether or not it’s safe to workout after a massage. If you feel energized and ready for physical activity, then go ahead and hit the gym. However, if you’re still tired or sore, it’s best to take some more time off.

It’s always important to communicate with your massage therapist.

Light Activity Is Usually Fine

While intense physical activity may be off-limits after a massage, light exercises such as walking or gentle stretching can be beneficial. This can help promote blood flow and aid in the recovery process without putting too much strain on your body.

Proper Recovery After A Massage

Regardless of whether you choose to work out after your massage or not, it’s essential to prioritize proper recovery and self-care. This can include:

  • Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated
  • Eating nutrient-rich foods to promote muscle repair and recovery
  • Getting enough rest and sleep to allow your body time to heal
  • Incorporating foam rolling or other self-massage techniques into your post-workout routine for additional relief.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for optimal muscle recovery. If you’re asking can I workout after tattoo,” make sure to drink plenty of water after your appointment to support your body’s recovery. Hydration is essential for flushing out toxins and maintaining overall health.

Track Your Progress Over Time

By incorporating massage therapy into your fitness routine and paying attention to how your body responds, you can track your progress and make adjustments as needed. This may involve scheduling massages on rest days or before light workout days or finding a balance between the intensity of workouts and the frequency of massages.

Additional Tips For Optimal Recovery:

  • Communicate with your massage therapist about any concerns or specific areas of focus you may have
  • Listen to your body and adjust your workout intensity accordingly
  • Incorporate other forms of self-care such as meditation, stretching, or yoga into your routine.


In summary, while it’s generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before engaging in intense physical activity after a massage, the key is to listen to your body and prioritize proper recovery. 

Understanding how your body responds to massage and making adjustments as needed can maximize the benefits of massage therapy and your fitness journey. Remember, consistency is key when achieving your wellness goals, so remember to schedule regular massages and prioritize self-care. 

Remember, it’s important to prioritize self-care and listen to your body to achieve optimal results. So go ahead, book that massage and treat yourself. Remember to take some time for recovery afterward! Happy massaging! Talk soon! Thanks for reading our blog post.


What types of massages are safe to workout after?

Gentle massages such as Swedish and relaxation massages may be safe to workout after, while deep tissue and sports massages may require more recovery time.

What should I do if I experience side effects after a massage?

If you experience any side effects such as soreness or headaches, it’s essential to listen to your body and take appropriate measures such as rest, hydration, and gentle stretching.

How can I promote proper recovery after a massage?

Some tips for optimal recovery include staying hydrated, getting enough rest and sleep, incorporating light activity such as walking or stretching, and communicating with your massage therapist about any concerns. 

How often should I get a massage if I incorporate it into my fitness routine?

It is recommended to schedule massages on rest days or before light workout days and to find a balance between the intensity of workouts and frequency of massages. 

Can massage therapy help with muscle recovery and injury prevention?

Yes, regular massage therapy can aid in muscle recovery by promoting blood flow and reducing tension. It can also help prevent injuries by keeping muscles loose and flexible. 

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